Friday, 22 August 2014

What to do if the cat has fleas

Most cat owners will nod their heads to either or all of these three statements

Cat Flea care, Frontline plus for Cat, Cat care, Cat flea control medicine


  • I love playing with my cat.
  • My cat has fleas.
  • I want the fleas to die so that I can again play with my cat.
Sometime people wonder as to why these 2mm pests cause so much trouble. The problem lies in the way their anatomies are built. They drink blood for food. They reproduce very fast and for that they need warm conditions. As these conditions can be easily found in our felines, fleas and ticks would always hunt for them.

The cat flea is a common occurrence globally. Once cannot get rid of all of them but can definitely control their spread by some of these quick fixes such as-
  • Bathing can be the best way. It may be very difficult to convince the cat to do so as most cats hate bathing as badly as they hate fleas. Even though a bath once a month with a flea shampoo and a conditioner can be beneficial. It will kill any fleas on the cat’s body and keep the coat shiny. Although there are chances that the fleas might spread the infection again after some days as some fleas may not be on the cat’s body while bathing.

  • Using a flea-comb to clear any fleas or their debris from the fur. While combing, go deep into the coat as fleas might be stuck to the roots or the cat’s skin. The comb can be dipped in water mixed with dish soap to drown any fleas present.

  • A flea trap can be set near the cat’s bedding to catch fleas. It normally includes a night lamp and a bowl of dish soap water. As the fleas get attracted to the warmth of the light, all the pests that fall into the liquid solution drown.

  • If the house has a lawn, a nematode (a tiny roundworm) can be extremely helpful in restricting the fleas from entering the house as they eat flea larvae.
  • Flea medicine like Frontline plus for cats can be highly effective against fleas. Frontline cats often become flea-free faster as it starts working in less than 12 hours of application.

GenericFrontlinePlus has a wide range of flea medicines including the cheapest Frontline for cats 6 pack. One can also use frontline for kittens more than 8 weeks older as it is safe to use. So the best thing to do when the cat has fleas is to find a cure and act promptly.