Monday, 25 February 2013

How To Control Cat Fleas And Ticks

Curing the cat of cat fleas is not that difficult task as there are various ways by which flea prevention for cats are possible. The most essential way to do this is to first see that from where fleas and ticks are coming. Most people pay no attention to this; they just but an expensive flea medication and expect the cat to be cured by the fleas and ticks.

Cat fleas are as stubborn as dog fleas and the way to get rid of them has to be 100% effective. Use garlic

Cats may not like garlic but you need to find out a way to find the solution of feeding the cat garlic. Stuff one clove of garlic in a raw fish and feed the cat. after about one week the cat will get used to having it and the smell of garlic will mix very well with blood. This will act as a natural flea killer and prevent fleas from biting the cat.

Use a lemon wash for the kitty

Use a lemon wash for the cat, just squeeze in some lemon in a pan of water, and keep the peels of lemon in the same pan. Simmer it for just 5 minutes and allow the water to be cool. Then take a cloth and wet it in the same solution. Now gently wipe the cat with this solution, this is the best flea prevention for cats. It has been seen that this method keeps cat safe and free from all side effects of strong medication.


Just like humans, even cats also require grooming. This is another great way for flea prevention for cats. By grooming the cat with a proper flea comb, the cat will get a relief from the itching and it will for sure enjoy the process of grooming.

Therefore, folks keep the cat happy and free from fleas and ticks.

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